Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Growing Pains!

We have been telling Jack for months about how he is such a big boy and how cool it is to be a big boy. We've preached about how lucky he is and how much more a big boy can do than a little baby. Of course, we said all of this to help prepare him for Hayes' arrival and didn't actually believe that he was really all that big of a boy. Maybe a large baby, but definitely not a big boy. However, we've realized that something has happened over the last few weeks...Jack has become a BIG BOY! All of a sudden his little baby hands and feet seem gigantic to us! He might as well be as tall as a five year old when he stretches out beside Hayes. He doesn't need a booster seat when he sits at the table and he can have conversations with the best of them. He constantly surprises us with all that he knows and to be honest it has been freaking us out a bit. However, after careful consideration, we decided that instead of sitting around wondering how our baby could have gotten so big so fast that it would be much more beneficial to just embrace our little pre-teen and teach him how to shave!


The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

He looks like he is really taking it all in and trying to learn. :)
How cute!

The Dunsmores said...

Ugh...I am tearing up. How did this happen...and WHEN?!?!??!??!

Love ya'll!

Robin Soulant said...

That's hilarious!